
Boston Accident and Injury Lawyer


Millennium Bank Ponzi Scheme: “Show me the Money, Willie”

A closer look at the Millennium Bank Ponzi Scheme: Boston trial lawyer, the attorney, takes a look at the facts involving Caribbean based Millenium Bank, which operated out of offices in Napa, California until closed by the SEC in March, 2009.   William J. Wise had a problem. In late 2003,…


Conflict of Interest Evident when Disability Insurer Both Reviews and Pays Claim for Benefits Says First Circuit Court of Appeals

Massachusettts Personal Injury Attorney, the attorney, reviews and analyzes a recent U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals decision. This is the second part of a two part blogpost, involving the denial of an employee long term disability claim, where the insurer both reviewed and paid claims, allegedly giving rise to a conflict of interest. The First Part reviewed…


Boston Personal Injury Attorney Reviews Federal Decision Acknowledging Conflict of Interest when Disability Insurer Reviews Request and Also Pays Employee Benefits

This is the first of a two part Blogpost, where Massachusettts Personal Injury Attorney, the attorney, reviews and analyzes a recent First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision. The case involves an employee disability claim and issues pertaining to a perceived conflict of interest. In this case, the U.S. First Circuit Court of…


Millennium Bank Scam: William Wise successfully reversed the St. Vincent and Grenadine Banking Authority’s attempt to revoke its License in 2004

Boston commercial and personal injury trial Lawyer, the attorney, takes a look at Caribbean based Millenium Bank, the latest banking Ponzi Scheme to have bilked U.S. and other investors seeking big returns on their investment monies. On March 27, 2009, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), by its International Financial…


Millennium Bank Fraud: Perpetrators Aggressively Used Internet and Print Media to Advertise High Interest CDs: Should publishers have known something was amiss?

Boston commercial and personal injury trial Lawyer, the attorney, takes a look at Caribbean based Millenium Bank, the latest banking Ponzi Scheme to have bilked U.S. and other investors seeking big returns on their investment monies. On March 25, 2009 the United States Securities Exchange Commission commenced a civil action…


Employee’s Personal Injuries After Fall through Open Trap Door in Floral Shop does not Warrant Double Compensation, Says Appeals Court

Boston Personal Injury Lawyer, the attorney, analyzes a recent Appeals Court decision pertaining to double penalties under the Worken’s Compensation Act. The case involves a store employee who suffered serious personal injuries after falling through a trap door in the floor of a floral shop, the Massachusetts Appeals Court has reversed…


Millennium Bank Ponzi Scheme – Offshore High Interest CD’s seemed too Good to be True and Were, Says SEC

Boston commercial and personal injury trial Lawyer, the attorney, takes a look at Caribbean based Millenium Bank, the latest banking Ponzi Scheme to have bilked U.S. and other investors seeking big returns on their investment monies. The Millenium Bank and United Bank of Switzerland have been marketing and offering highly…


Boston Attorney Investigates Potential Actions on Behalf of Madoff Victims

Boston Accident Lawyer, the attorney, is investigating potential claims on behalf of individuals who were victims of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme. Those who had direct investments in Bernard L. Madoff Securities, LLC are limited to the remedies offered in the bankruptcy proceeding now pending in New York. Claims for…


Personal Injuries Suffered by Contract Worker May be Recoverable from Manufacturing Company where he Worked

This is Part Two of a two part Blogpost where Boston Personal Injury Lawyer, the attorney, reviews and analyzes a recent First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruling, in which an insurer sought a declaration that there was no coverage for an personal injuries as the result of an accident involving a contract worker who…


Boston Personal Injury Attorney Reviews U.S. Court of Appeals Analysis of Insurance Coverage for “Leased” Worker’s Severed Arm

In this two part Blogpost, Boston Accident Lawyer, the attorney, reviews and analyzes a First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision, which considers insurance coverage issues for an accident involving a man whose arm was severed in a wool picking machine, while engaged as a contract worker for a Western Massachusetts recycling…